Join us!

Become a volunteer!

We’d love you to join us in our final weeks of this ‘grass roots’ campaign.

It’s a great way for you to meet like-minded people,
make new friends and interact with others.
Joining us offers an opportunity to share ideas of
what you value and hold important in Ku-ring-gai. 

In doing so, you’re making a contribution
to your Ku-ring-gai Community!

Options include but are not limited to:

  • Leaflet circulation

  • Talk with your neighbours and local friends

  • Hang a corflute in your front garden

  • Hand out how-to-vote cards at pre-polling & election day

  • Provide feedback on what you value in your Ku-ring-gai LGA & any changes you’d like.


If you’d like to volunteer, please fill out the form below: